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May 13, 2010


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I'm not too thrilled to see what happens with the likelihood that I'll be let go, but this proposal makes sense from a simple economic interest point of view for school districts.


Teach for America doesn't hire "talented young teachers." It hires college graduates who are given 6 weeks of training and then put in classrooms with some of our neediest students. TfA teachers tend to only teach for a few years, perpetuating the churn and revolving door at the schools with the greatest need for stability.

A greater concern is the punitive measures of NCLB and Race To the Top. If teachers face losing their jobs over test scores or seeing their pay linked to test scores when study after study shows that poverty has a greater impact on test scores than the teacher does, who will want to work in the neediest schools? Teachers don't get into the profession for the money, but we do still have families to support.

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